Ruthwik Muppala
dd Student
Research Advisor: Dr. Aftab M. HussainCo-Advisor:
IIIT-H Email: Linkedin Profile:
Research Area
My current research area is mostly Analog Design, which includes building any of the basic blocks such as Op Amps, Current / Voltage Reference Circuits, Comparators, different types of ADCs etc., The end goal is to come up with novel ideas to improve on the present architectures in terms of power, speed and reliability. But the research is not entirely limited to Analog. With time, I'm also interested in exploring Digital Design and Semiconductor Physics as per necessity.
Selected Publications
Education Profile
- B. Tech from International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad.
Professional Profile
Software and Hardware Experience
Cadence IC6 (Virtuoso), Xilinx Vivado 2017.3, MultiSim 14, Matlab R2018a, H Spice, NG Spice, FPGA ZedBoard, Arduino