Seshadri Reddy

dd Student
Research Advisor: Dr. Aftab M. Hussain

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Research Area

My current research work is based on Dielectric Elastomer Actuators(DEAs) also known as artificial muscles. In particular, I am working on modelling of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) based multi-layered dielectric elastomer actuators.

Selected Publications
  • S. R. Nagireddy, R. B. Mishra, K. S. C. Karnati and A. M. Hussain, "Capacitance Modelling of Multilayer Perforated Electrodes for Dielectric Elastomer Actuator Applications," Selected for Oral Presentation in MOS-AK India - 2019, IIT-Hyderabad
  • K. S. C. Karnati, S. R. Nagireddy, R. B. Mishra and A. M. Hussain, "Design of micro heaters inspired by space filling fractal curves" The IEEE Region 10 Symposium TENSYMP 2019, Kolkata, India
  • R. B. Mishra, S. R. Nagireddy, S. Bhattacharjee and A. M. Hussain, "Theoretical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Elliptical Capacitive Pressure Sensor," Selected for Oral Presentation in MOS-AK India - 2019, IIT-Hyderabad.

Education Profile
  • B. Tech from International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad.

Professional Profile

Software and Hardware Experience
C, C++, Verilog, ARM, Python, HTML, MATLAB, COMSOL, Arduino, Cadence, Multisim, Modelsim, Altera Quatrus II

FPGA Realization of Digital Audio Effects, Serial Input Divisibility Checker, Implementation of Radix-2 FFT - verilog, Dog Breed Identification, Gender Recognition from Speech Signal