Center for VLSI and Embedded System Technologies

Optics and RF Lab

Rohde & schwarz RTM 3004 oscilloscope:

Designed as daily problem-solving tool, the R&S®RTM3004 combines the power of ten (10-bit ADC, 10 times the memory and 10.1" touchscreen) with a Rohde & Schwarz probe interface for all Rohde & Schwarz probes.

  1. Bandwidth: 100MHz to 1GHz
  2. Sample rate: up to 5 Gsample/s
  3. Memory depth: up to 80 Msample
  4. ADC resolution: 10-bit
  5. Display: 10.1`` capacitive touchscreen
  6. 10.1" touchscreen with gesture support
  7. Four times more vertical resolution than standard 8-bit ADCs
  8. Maintains fast sampling rates at all times

Tektronix AFG1062 Function Generator Arbitrary:

Today's designs are often complex, demanding a variety of stimulus signals during test. With standard waveforms, arbitrary waveform capability and signal impairment options, a Tektronix Function Generator supports a wide range of application needs with one instrument. Best-in-class Function Generator performance ensures signals are accurately reproduced.

  1. With 25 MHz or 60MHz bandwidth, 2 output channels, 1 mVpp to 10 Vpp output amplitude across full bandwidth
  2. 14-bit vertical resolution and 1uHz frequency resolution
  3. 50 built-in arbitrary waveforms with continuous, modulation, sweep and burst modes
  4. Dedicated 3.95” TFT LCD display, easy-to-navigate front panel and menu
  5. Supported by TekSmartLab™
  6. Built-in 200MHz, 6-digit frequency counter
  7. Standard 5 year warranty

N9918A FieldFox Handheld Microwave Analyzer, 26.5 GHz:

  1. Measurement capabilities to handle routine maintenance and in-depth troubleshooting
  2. Maximize performance with VNA, spectrum analyzer, built-in power meter, vector voltmeter, and more
  3. Order with new instrument or upgrade an existing instrument
  4. Save time by measuring DTF and TDR in the same sweep
  5. Simultaneously measure all four S-parameters
  6. Make accurate spectrum analyzer measurements (± 0.5 dB) without needing warm-up
  7. Calibrate simply with QuickCal
  8. Lightest all-in-one analyzer at only 6.6 lb. (3.0 kg)

V-770 UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer:

The V-770 UV-Visible/NIR spectrophotometer features a unique single monochromator design for maximum light throughput with excellent absorbance linearity. A PMT detector is used for the UV to visible region and a Peltier-cooled PbS detector for the NIR region. he V-770 measures the wavelength range of 190 to 2700nm (option 3200nm). The single monochromator design offers a significantly higher energy throughput than a double-monochromated design resulting in a better S/N ratio over the entire spectral range, even with narrow spectral bandwidth. The gratings and detectors switch-over can be set to change automatically between 800-900nm .

Keithley Source Meter:

The Source Measure Unit (SMU) is an instrument that can precisely source voltage or current and simultaneously measure voltage and/or current.

  1. Source up to 10A Pulse, 200V, 1000W
  2. Measure down to 10fA, 100nV
  3. 6½-digit resolution precision source and measure
  4. 1 MSamples/s digitized measurement speed
  5. Current: 10nA to 7A DC, 10A Pulse
  6. Voltage: 200mV to 200V
  7. Power: Up to 100W DC to 1000W Pulse
  8. Five-inch touchscreen with carefully-designed color combination and screen layout
  9. Easy navigation and one-level-deep menu and settings
  10. 27.5 million data memory with time stamps all viewable on the instrument

Keithley 2231A-30-3 Multiple Output DC Power Supply:

The Model 2231A-30-3 is a linear-based design with less than 5m Vp-p noise per output. Voltage and current settings have basic accuracies of 0.06% and 0.2% respectively. The load voltage and load current readback results provide the same levels of accuracy, so you can be confident you are sourcing accurate, low noise voltages and currents to your device-under-test (DUT).

Function Generator:

A function generator is usually a piece of electronic test equipment or software used to generate different types of electrical waveforms over a wide range of frequencies. Some of the most common waveforms produced by the function generator are the sine wave , square wave, triangular wave and sawtooth shapes.

Digital Storage Oscilloscope: A digital storage oscilloscope (DSO):

Digital Storage Oscilloscope: A digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) is an oscilloscope which stores and analyses the signal digitally rather than using analog techniques. It is used because of the advanced trigger, storage, display and measurement features which it typically provides.